Saturday, April 30, 2022

HIV Specialsit Doctor Near me

 HIV patients who have access to high-quality healthcare are substantially less likely to develop AIDS after starting treatment.

According to experts like the World Health Organization (WHO)Trusted Source, HIV has become a treatable condition, and many people living with HIV live long, healthy lives.

If an HIV Specialist Near Me patient takes antiretroviral medication on a regular basis, their life expectancy is now approaching that of someone who tests negative for the virus.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an abbreviation for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The virus can be found in human blood, sexual fluids, and breast milk. The virus causes the cells of the immune system to break down. When the immune system is weakened by HIV, it is easier to become unwell and even die from illnesses that the body would typically be able to fight.

What are HIV's indications and symptoms?

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Muscle aches and joint pain
  • Skin rash
  • Sore throat
  • Painful mouth sores
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Weight loss
  • Cough
  • Night sweats

Given the escalating global burden of new HIV infections, higher budgetary requirements, and shifting funding landscape, the global health community must accelerate the development and delivery of an HIV cure to complement existing prevention programme. A successful curative method might prevent new infections, alleviate antiretroviral treatment bottlenecks, minimize stigma and discrimination, and provide a long-term financial solution for pandemic control. We propose that we start planning for an HIV cure immediately, by establishing a target product profile and forming the HIV Cure Africa Acceleration Collaboration (HCAAP), a multidisciplinary public-private partnership that will catalyses and promote HIV cure research by including a diverse spectrum of stakeholders. HCAAP will bring together stakeholders early on, including HIV-positive people, in order to accelerate the development, public acceptance, and rapid adoption of HIV-cure items.


Treatment for HIV, CD4 count in HIV an its importance, Diet in HIV patients by Dr VINOD RAINA

While there is no cure for HIV, there are treatments that can help to reduce the spread of the illness.

Antiretrovirals are drugs that can lower the risk of HIV transmission. It can also increase a person's life expectancy and improve their quality of life.

As a result of their treatment, many HIV patients live long and healthy lives. These drugs are becoming more and more efficacious as well as well-tolerated. It's possible that a person will just require one pill each day.

The sections that follow are dedicated to HIV treatments and prevention medications.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Best HIV AIDS Treatment Dr. Vinod Raina

 HIV weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections and viruses. If you do contract certain illnesses, your body may have a harder difficulty fighting them off, and you may experience difficulties recovering.

When people have severe HIV disease, they are diagnosed with AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Infections and other dangerous HIV-related illnesses become more likely as a result of this. Most HIV-positive Top HIV Doctors In India are unlikely to get AIDS if they receive therapy.



Symptoms of HIV

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nodes (lymph glands)
  • Sore throat
  • Rash

Symptoms may occur and/or worsen as the condition advances. This could take some time. Some HIV patients do not show symptoms for up to ten years after contracting the virus. When symptoms do arise, they may include the following:

Lymph nodes swollen (lymph glands)

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Unintended weight loss

What are the causes of HIV?

Only infectious body fluids, such as blood, sperm, and vaginal fluid, can transmit HIV from one person to another.

During pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding, children born to HIV-positive parents can contract the virus. This, however, occurs less frequently these days. It can be avoided by administering medications to the pregnant woman and her newborn child.

HIV is transmitted in a variety of ways, the most common of which are:

             By having anal, vaginal, or oral intercourse with an HIV-positive individual without wearing a condom.

             By sharing drug-injection equipment (needles or syringes) with someone who has HIV.

If you do any of the following, you're more likely to contract HIV:

  • Have a variety of sex partners
  • Have sex with someone who exchanges sex for money or other valuables.
  • When using illegally injected drugs, it's common to share needles.
  • Swap sex for drugs or cash.
  • Have you contracted a sexually transmitted infection?
  • Have you ever had or had a sexual partner who has any of the above risk factors?
  • Are you a guy who likes to have sex with other guys?

Treatment for HIV

Despite the fact that there is no cure for HIV, there are a number of medications that can aid. Antiperspirant therapy, or ART, is a class of drugs that prevent HIV from developing to AIDS. Antiperspirant medication is generally successful even when HIV progresses to AIDS. However, the earlier you begin treatment, the more effective it will be.

Better antiperspirant therapy has transformed HIV from a primary cause of death among young adults to a chronic disease that can be managed for decades. Even if you take HIV medications and feel fine, you could still spread the infection to others through unprotected sex (without using a condom) or blood transfusions. The drugs don't destroy the virus; instead, they keep your immune system strong enough to prevent or slow the progression of AIDS.

Dr. Raina’s Safe Hands Clinic

Dr. Vinod Raina HIV Doctors In Delhi NCR

Contact Us-9136363692|9871605858

Address: — Saket E-34, Ekta Apartments near

Malviya Nagar Metro Station Gate No-4 New Delhi-110017

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Best PEP Treatment For HIV

PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) refers to the use of medication to prevent HIV infection following a suspected exposure.

PEP must be started within 72 hours of an HIV infection.

If you think you've recently been exposed to HIV, talk to your health care provider, an emergency department doctor, or an urgent care provider about PEP as soon as possible (within 72 hours).

  • during the act of sex (for example, if the condom broke)
  • to inject narcotics by sharing needles, syringes, or other injecting equipment
  • If you've been sexually attacked, you should get help immediately.

PEP should be started as soon as possible. Every hour is crucial. If PEP is prescribed for you, you must take it every day for 28 days.

PEP stands for Personal Emergency Preparedness.

  • PEP is administered to people who have been exposed to HIV.
  • PEP is not a replacement for other HIV prevention methods.
  • PEP is not recommended for persons who are often exposed to HIV.
  • Talk to your health care provider about PrEP if you are at a continuing risk for HIV, such as from recurrent HIV exposures (pre-exposure prophylaxis).

How effective is PEP?

  • PEP is safe, although some people may experience side effects like as nausea.
  • These adverse effects can almost always be handled and aren't life-threatening.

When I take PEP, what happens next?

After you've completed PEP, you'll need to see your nurse or doctor for follow-up testing. After you've been exposed to HIV for the first time, you'll have another HIV test 4-6 weeks later and then again 3 months later. Your doctor may recommend another HIV test 6 months later, depending on your situation.

It's critical to get these follow-up testing to ensure that PEP was effective. Meanwhile, continue to protect yourself and others from HIV by wearing condoms during sex and avoiding sharing needles or work.



Dr. Raina’s Safe Hands Clinic

Dr. Vinod Raina Pep Treatment For HIV

Contact Us-7687878787, 9871605858

Address: — Saket E-34, Ekta Apartments near

Malviya Nagar Metro Station Gate No-4 New Delhi-110017

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Best Hiv Human Immunodeficiency Virus Treatment

Receiving an HIV diagnosis can completely transform your life and cause a slew of emotions. Reading blogs published by HIV-positive persons and healthcare experts, on the other hand, can help you realize you're not alone.

You can live a near-normal life with Best  HIV Doctor in Delhi if you correctly manage your condition by taking medication, avoiding illness, and making healthy lifestyle choices. It's also critical to seek help from friends, family, and professional groups.

There are blogs written by medical professionals who specialist in HIV and those who have had similar experiences as you that may offer support and advice for dealing with the condition on a daily basis.

What are HIV's indications and symptoms?

HIV progresses through three stages, the first of which is infection.

  • The acute infection stage occurs within the first few weeks of transmission.
  •   Latency or chronic stage in clinical practice

Symptoms differ depending on the stage of the infection. Symptoms that appear during the acute infection stage include:

Symptoms that occur during the clinical latency period include:

  • Lymph nodes swollen
  • Fever that comes and goes
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea\s Vomiting
  •    Diarrhea
  • Loss of Weight
  • Rashy skin
  • Yeast infections that recur in the mouth or vaginal area
  • Pneumonia \shingles

The following are some of the symptoms of AIDS:

  •  Fever that comes and goes
  •  Lymph glands enlarged for a long time, especially in the armpits, neck, and groyne
  •   Fatigue that lasts a long time
  • Sweats at night
  • Mouth and tongue sores, patches, or lesions, genitals, or anus
  • Rashes, bumps, or lesions on the skin
  • Diarrhea that is recurrent or persistent
  • Rapid weight loss is possible.
  • Concentration issues, memory loss, and confusion are all examples of neurological issues.
  • Anxiety and sadness are two conditions that affect people.
  • Chills

How does a person become infected with HIV?

HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids including:

  • Blood
  • Semen
  • Vaginal
  • Fluids in the rectal cavity
  • Breast milk is a type of milk produced by

HIV can be contracted from a variety of sources, including:

  • Having sex that isn't protected
  • Sharing needles or syringes for drugs, piercings, tattoos, and other invasive procedures
  • Getting a needle inserted in your arm with HIV-infected blood on it.
  • Putting HIV-infected blood, sperm, or vaginal secretions into open wounds or sores.
  • Infected blood is transfused into the body.
  • During pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding, HIV can be transferred from mother to child.

What can be done to avoid HIV?

  • Currently, there is no vaccine available to prevent HIV transmission. Certain precautions, on the other hand, can aid in the prevention of HIV transmission.
  • Safer sex: Unprotected sex is the most prevalent way for HIV to spread.
  • HIV is transferred through blood and can be contracted through the use of contaminated products.
  • Reducing the number of sexual partners is a good idea.
  • Consume a healthy, well-balanced diet. Fiber, vitamins and minerals, and proteins should all be consumed in moderation. 
  • Exercise on a regular basis. A nutritious diet combined with daily exercise such as cardio, aerobics, weight training, and flexibility training will help you gain stamina, grow muscles, and maintain strong bone
  • Get a lot of rest.
  • Give up smoking.

When should you see a doctor?

If you suspect you've been infected with HIV or are at danger of catching the virus, seek medical attention as soon as possible.




Dr. Raina’s Safe Hands Clinic

Dr. Vinod Raina HIV Doctor in Delhi

Contact Us-9136363692|9871605858

Address: — Saket E-34, Ekta Apartments near

Malviya Nagar Metro Station Gate No-4 New Delhi-110017